February 7, 2023

Change is Inevitable: 5 Tips for Embracing Change

Nour Fayad

Nothing happens until something moves.  Since energy is always in motion, then change is a constant thing in our lives.  

It’s happening all around us.  In this moment, nothing is staying the same.  There’s no avoiding it.  That would be like trying to avoid breathing oxygen. 


How we handle change is a reflection of our character and resilience, and is essential for finding contentment in our ever-evolving world of uncertainty. It can be a challenge to adapt to new situations and circumstances, but by recognizing our own strengths and abilities, we can find the strength to move forward and embrace the changes that life throws our way.


All that you touch you Change. 

All that you Change changes you. 

The only lasting truth is Change

Yet, so many individuals resist, and even fear, change.  This is understandable, given that anything beyond our control can stress us out, since it is in the field of the unknown.


Ask yourself the following questions:

What is change to you?

How does it make you feel?

Are you resisting or welcoming the changes in your life?

Do you consider change as an inner or outer movement?


We’ve put together a few tips to guide you as you undergo change.  Let’s make it a fun experience. 

1 - Invite Change

Since change is an inescapable fact, can you be bold enough to willingly embrace change in your life?  You never know what to expect, and that’s the fun part.  Expect the unexpected.  Provide change with a fertile ground to blossom.  Ask yourself, “What is this change trying to teach me?”


2 - Understand Change

You are constantly changing from moment to moment, and that’s reality.  Like a running river is never the same, so are YOU because you’re in always in motion, energetically.

Try to understand what the situation is calling for.  Change can be seen as both a positive and a negative force in one's life. On the one hand, it has the potential to bring about new opportunities, experiences, and growth. On the other, it can disrupt routines and cause feelings of discomfort. Ultimately, how change is perceived is highly dependent on the individual, and whether it is seen as a positive or negative force will depend on the context of the situation.


3 - Accept Change

Only once you accept change can you do anything about it.  When you embrace change, you take control of your own destiny. This can be a great way to reduce stress and gain some influence over the process. Taking ownership of the change gives you a greater sense of personal power, which can be incredibly empowering.


4 - Choose Change 

Think about all the changes coming your way. If any cause you to feel anxious or uneasy, take the time to consider why you would choose to go ahead with them. Imagine if you willingly signed up for this change many years ago, and think about how you could achieve the freedom and ease on the other side. Take the time to really think about why you would choose to go through with it.


5 - Embrace Change

Like a caterpillar that goes through a near-death experience to become a butterfly, you can embrace change to become the best version of yourself.  It might feel like a painful process, but believe in yourself and go through it lovingly.  If you want different results in life, all you have to do is embrace change.


The Tipping Point

Think of it this way: an event, plus your interpretation of it and beliefs about it, results in your response (or reaction) to it, and therefore to a certain outcome.  If you change your interpretation and beliefs, your response, and therefore your outcome, will automatically change. You will come out of this experience with a deeper understanding and an enhanced perspective on humankind, your priorities and your values.


Take action today to embrace change in your life. If you are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about how to go about this process, reach out for professional help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards self-discovery and growth.