January 25, 2023

Quick Ways to Prepare for the Year 2023

Nour Fayad

Your brain is remarkable at making repetitive behaviors automatic. This happens for a couple of reasons:

1- The more you do something, the easier it gets.

2- If the behavior leads to some sort of pleasure or reinforcement, you'll tend to do it again.

3- If you add something to your routine for long enough, it becomes a habit.

This doesn't only happen with deliberate actions, like deciding to go to the gym daily or reading a couple of pages every evening. This also happens with things we don't even realize.

If you tend to compensate for your frustration through eating, or you avoid social situations where you have to expose yourself, or you get defensive when your partner wants to solve an issue... your brain is taking note.

Your behaviors may be positive or negative, it doesn't matter, if you do them consistently, they'll get more automatic, and the more that happens, the harder it is to change them.

By knowing that, you can understand that today you have the power to determine how you'll act in the future. What you do today will influence what you do tomorrow.

So, instead of just writing down some new year resolutions, ask yourself:

What behaviors do I want to automatize this year?

And for that, what behaviors will I automatize today?

Take ownership of your behaviors. You have the power to make this year amazing!