February 15, 2023

Being Present in the Present: How to Let Go of the Past and the Future in Your Daily Life

Nour Fayad

As the Dalai Lama once said: "There are two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live."

This means we have immense power in the present moment. Power to change our reality and shape it into whatever our minds allow. 

And we might know, intellectually, that we have no power over the past or the future, but we can still have a hard time being present here and now. How is that so?


The thing is: our expectations for the future make us think too much about it. And our memories from the past can prevent us from detaching ourselves from it.

It takes a conscious effort for you to be able to control your attention and keep it in the present moment. And this means there are ways for you to do it. Here are a few things you can do:


Focus on one thing at a time: trying to keep track of a lot of things at the same time is often frustrating. Not only that, but it can also weaken our ability to completely focus on something and maintain that attention. Without that skill, it is really hard for us to be present in each moment. So, learn how to do one single thing at a time.


Notice your surroundings: this is a great exercise for you to let go of distractions and recenter your mind. Stop wandering in the past or future, and pay attention to what is happening around you in the present moment. You can even do that right now: what does the environment look like? What sounds can you hear? What about smell and temperature? By noticing all of that you can bring your attention to present stimuli, which will help you let go of distractions.


Be grateful for what you have now: part of what takes us away from the present are our wishes. Maybe you wanted things to be like they were in the past, maybe you desire something specific in the future. There's no problem in making plans for your life based on what you want. But don't let that blind you to the things you already have, here and now. Because those are the only things that you really have.


Consciously remind yourself to be mindful: this is something that you can do anytime, anywhere. During your activities, actively try to be mindful. Focus on what you are doing without thinking about what you did before it or what you'll have to do afterward. Be present in each thing you do.


By doing those things repetitively, being present becomes gradually easier and more intuitive. Don't expect a sudden complete change in your behavior right after you start doing these. It might take some time for you to really embrace this mentality. But over time, the results will surely appear.