Spiritual Interventions & Psychotherapy

What is Spiritual Psychology?

  • Psyche:  The breath of life/soul.
  • Logos:  The study or knowledge.
  • Original meaning of Psychology:  The study of the soul.
  • Today’s meaning of Psychology: The study of behavior and mental processes.

Spiritual Psychology/ Psychotherapy: Is stripping away everything and taking it back to the very roots -- the Soul. It is about the care of the soul or taking care of the energy in our system and that around us.

I am often asked what is the difference between main stream psychotherapy and spiritual psychotherapy and here is my answer:

Main stream psychotherapy is disease-based.  It is about looking at symptoms, assessing them and using different therapy modalities that can help resolve the unresolved.

However, spiritual psychotherapy is taking you back to the essence of who you truly are; a Divine Being of Love & Light having a human experience.

Spiritual psychology is the art and practice of conscious awakening; awakening into the awareness of who we truly are.

The Three Essential Questions:

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What is my Purpose?

There is a growing pattern of people looking for more in their life. Choosing to break the norm of the material world and instead acknowledge there is more to life then what is in front of them. They are choosing to seek alignment to allow them to make their difference in the world.

What is Spiritual Psychotherapy?

Spiritual psychotherapy is based on evoking the soul to surmount the unique challenges and stresses in your life.  This is a gentle and profound journey into the depths of mind and spirit.  The techniques include psychotherapy, art-based therapy and guided or unguided meditation. The prerequisites for engaging in this form of therapy is a sincere commitment to invite more soul — more energy — into our life.

Spiritual psychotherapy focuses on empowering each client to bring forth the wisdom and clarity of his or her soul.  Anchoring and reinforcing the newly gained insights, he or she may experience the following outcomes:

  1. Respond to stress with a positive life affirming approach.
  2. Awaken the peace and clarity of his/her soul in daily life.
  3. Discover powerful affirmations that counter the negative and self-limiting tendencies rooted in the subconscious mind.
  4. Clear deep core issues and old traumas.
  5. Develop an intuitive trust in his/her own inner voice.
  6. Release anxiety, fear, and guilt.
  7. Journey within one's soul to co-create a rich, abundant and successful life.

If we want to create real, life-lasting changes, it is essential to connect with our true self.  

Who are we underneath all the difficulties that we face?  What are we learning?  What qualities are we developing or need to develop?  By connecting deeply with our core essence, we can have access to a part of us that can transcend the difficulties that we may identify with.