Food for Thought

There are two lines of life: 

The goal line - which is everything that happens in our life that takes place in the external physical reality.  It includes our money, jobs, actions, body, relationships, and so…

April 23, 2018

Spiritual Psychotherapy is a unique form of therapy that establishes the soul as a foundation for health and relationships.  Soul, in this sense, does not refer to anything religious.  Rather, “Soul” is seen as a…

February 26, 2018

Spiritual Psychology walks into the more amorphous world of energy, spirit and life force, and maintains 4 important perspectives that make it unique and essential in our health and transformation.

December 25, 2017

Our blog is about bringing psychology and spirituality together as two related dimensions of our life experience.  If we choose to grow, evolve, and open ourselves up to the higher dimensions of being, we need to clean…

October 23, 2017

Foucault’s theory on Panopticism posits that people who perceive that they are under sur- veillance act according to the values and rules set forth by the entity that is believed to be watching over…

January 23, 2017

The power of loyalty to your soul can be a mysterious and unfamiliar concept for some, but it is a powerful force that can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. 

When one shows commitment and dedication to…

January 1, 1970

In the heart of Beirut, where tradition and modernity converge, a transformative journey is taking shape—one that resonates deeply with the Lebanese community's desire for personal growth and self-discovery. The…

January 1, 1970

In our fast-paced, often materialistic world, many individuals find themselves at a crossroads, seeking deeper meaning and understanding of their existence. This journey typically involves three interconnected paths:…

January 1, 1970

Forgiveness is a profound act of courage and compassion that transcends the limitations of the human experience. It is a journey of the soul, a sacred process of releasing resentment, anger, and pain, and embracing the…

January 1, 1970
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